Friday, February 4, 2011

10 Dollar Wines - Wedding Whites

So, in case you weren't aware, Brad and I are getting married in August at the Design Exchange. As you are aware, I love wine... but we have to get the bar package to make the wedding day go smoothly. The Design Exchange agreed to let me pick the wine, if it was under 10 dollars. Is that a challenge!? So now we, Brad and our chosen friends (yes you, you're probably the only ones reading this) have started tasting wines in this price range. Here are some thoughts on the whites I have bought:
Cesari 2009 Chardonnay Nose - sweet- with hints of apple, almost strawberry and hints of honey. really nice... with a bit of alcohol at the finish. Mouth - Creamy texture. Pear with spiciness and a bit of sharpness from the alcohol. It is quite good. I think this is a definite pick for the wedding white. Spinelli Pinot Grigio Nose - Alcohol and apple Mouth - even more alcohol and apple. It is very sharp... too sharp. I like the apple, but that is all. I also tried a 10 dollar beringer white... it was fine, nothing special and very flat. I also tried the Mezzomondo white, a bit too tart with too much alcohol. I'll keep trying and see if I can find something amazing... the Cesari Chardonnay was really good though, so I feel it is definitely one for the wedding. I have to try it again and see...